Jayden Robker missing update: Body discovered in Gladstone matches description of 13-year old

Specialists declared on Friday, Walk 10, 2023, that the body found along the line of Kansas City and Gladstone matched the depiction of Jayden Robker. The 13-year-old kid was most recently seen on February 2, 2023.

As per Gladstone specialists, they hauled the body out of a lake near where he had last been seen. Specialists have neither affirmed in the event that the casualty is Jayden Robker nor the reason for death. KSHB noticed that after the body was found, it was put in an orange pack on the coastline of the lake.

KMBC revealed that because of the closeness of the body to the Kansas City line, the Kansas City Police Division is aiding the examination.

After Robker’s vanishing was accounted for, individuals from the neighborhood local area looked through the area. Kansas City News noticed that the youngster’s mom, Heather Robker, was found in the space inquiring as to whether they had seen her child. The FBI reported that they were offering a $5000 compensation for data concerning his whereabouts.

Jayden’s auntie, Susan Deedon, said that she continued to say that they expected to look through the lakes. She added that she didn’t realize there was a lake where the body was found, and had she had some significant awareness of it, she would have proceeded to search in the lake. Susan likewise noted:

Jayden’s uncle, Derek Robker, expressed that after the body’s disclosure, specialists said that they couldn’t affirm the personality. Notwithstanding, they noticed that they were genuinely sure the remaining parts had a place with the 13-year-old kid.

Derek Robker said that the specialists let them know that they were almost completely certain that the body was Jayden’s. The family will figure out more about the body after the post-mortem examination is finished on Saturday morning.

Derek added that this wasn’t the result they had expected yet noticed that they are expecting a few responses, simply not “these ones.”

Jayden Robker went missing on Feb. 2. His family said he left their home after school that day to ride his electric skateboard. They say no one in the family had seen him since. https://t.co/A11yE3Fr5x

— The Kansas City Star (@KCStar) March 10, 2023

She proceeded to thank the local area for their help and said that the circumstance was harming her and the local area a great deal. She noticed that they accepted that somebody put Jayden in the lake and that there are a few inquiries that should be responded to.

Kitty said that the family trusts they can finally accept reality for what it is for them and for Jayden.

The vanishing and conceivable passing of Jayden Robker is at present being scrutinized. Specialists have not examined any data in regards to unfairness.
