Walter Kirn Spous: Penelope Locke (divorced); Maggie McGuane (divorced); Amanda Fortini
How old is Walter Kirn? When is Walter Kirn's birthday? Where is Walter Kirn born? Where did Walter Kirn grow up from? What's Walter Kirn's age?
Walter Kirn Born: August 3, 1962 (age 60years), Akron, Ohio, United States
Does Walter Kirn have any children? What are the names of Walter Kirn's children? What are the ages of Walter Kirn's children?
Walter Kirn Children: Charlie Kirn, Mazie Kirn
Walter Kirn Education: University of Oxford, Princeton University
Kirn is now married to magazine writer Amanda Fortini.
Up in the Air is a 2001 novel by American author Walter Kirn.
Up in the Air is a 2001 novel by American author Walter Kirn.