Armie Hammer Is Broke And Working As A Timeshare Salesman

It looks like Armie Hammer is fully out of Hollywood, fully out of money and is selling timeshares in the Cayman Islands.

By Doug Norrie | Updated 2 years ago

While we knew it was probably coming, it looks like Armie Hammer is fully canceled from Hollywood and has had to find work among the civilians for the foreseeable future. Maybe forever. It’s been quite the fall from grace stemming from numerous allegations against the actor, some of which pointed to rather disturbing behavior. The latest news on the (former) actor has him living in the Cayman Islands and working, of all things, selling timeshares. This comes from Variety reporting who also says, via a source, that the actor is “broke” and needs the job to pay everyday expenses. Considering where his career was prior to a couple of years ago, this is about as big a plummet as you’ll see in the industry. 

According to the Variety reporting which was originally sourced by TMZ from over the weekend, Armie Hammer was spotted in a resort where he was apparently employed. At first, there seemed to be some confusion about his actual role in the resort with the initial word being that he was working as a concierge. This stemmed from a photo that appeared to have Armie Hammer wearing the hotel’s uniform in the lobby. But supposedly this was in error even though he is actually working for the hotel.

Variety has it that Armie Hammer is selling timeshares for the resort hotel, working in a cubicle, and is essentially on a 9-5 grind now. Much of this information was originally shared by the verified Twitter account @Muna_Mire who had posted a picture of a resort flyer featuring Armie Hammer and the hotel services he was providing. She later deleted that Tweet but has made it known on her account that she’s none too happy with those who had said that the reporting she’d done on Hammer was inaccurate. That’s because it sure does appear like he is working there on a full-time basis. 

What’s more, apparently, Armie Hammer is doing this because he is out of money from his acting career, isn’t funded at all by his family (his grandfather is oil tycoon Armand Hammer), and needs to help pay support for his two children who live on the island with their mother, Elizabeth Chambers. With an acting career that’s all but over, and unlikely to come back anytime soon, getting out of the spotlight, out of the States, and back to the Cayman Islands where he had spent time growing up as a child.

Armie Hammer had become embroiled in controversy at the beginning of 2021 when allegations of abuse began to surface online. It was initially tied to texts he had reportedly sent women describing a whole host of inappropriate actions and disturbing topics. Some included references to rape and even cannibalism. Then women he had been in relationships with reported abusive behavior on the part of Hammer. He was dropped from every film he had in the works including Shotgun Wedding, The Offer, and Billion Dollar Spy.

Even for an entertainment industry that can be rife with weird behavior and stories, what’s happened to Armie Hammer over the last couple of years might be one of the craziest of them all. 
