Matches Revealed for Stone Cold Steve Austin Showcase Mode in WWE 2k16

This is likely not the final list of matches, and more might be included in the final game release, or as DLC:

vs. Pillman – Clash Of The Champions XXV
vs. Steamboat – Bash At The Beach ’94
vs. Whipwreck – November To Remember ’95
vs. Vega – WrestleMania XII or In Your House: Beware Of Dog
vs. Roberts – King Of The Ring ’96
vs. Hart – Survivor Series ’96 (Bret’s attire)
vs. Vader vs. Hart vs. Undertaker – In Your House: Final Four (likely reason for Vader’s inclusion, could be for RR ’97 though)
vs. Hart – WrestleMania 13 (likely reason for Shamrock’s inclusion)
vs. Rock – D-Generation X: In Your House (likely reason for NOD’s inclusion)
vs. Michaels – WrestleMania XIV (reason for HHH’s retro DX attire in “Oh Hell Yeah” trailer)
vs. Undertaker – Rock Bottom ’98
vs. McMahon – St. Valentine’s Day Massacre ’99
vs. Rock – Backlash ’99
vs. Undertaker – Fully Loaded ’99 (X-Pac’s attire in IGN screen)
Royal Rumble 2001
vs. Triple H – No Way Out 2001
vs. Rock – WrestleMania X-SEVEN
