What happens if you drink too much coffee in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons got its much-awaited massive update with the 2.0 update back in November 2021, and the game got richer with a lot of new features and items for players to enjoy.

One of the most awaited features in the game was the return of Brewster and The Roost, the coffee shop at the Museum where players can go and enjoy a cup of coffee along with a conversation with Brewster the Pigeon.

However, people have often wondered if there is a limit to the amount of coffee players can drink in one sitting and whether there are consequences to drinking too much coffee in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Brewster warns players against drinking too much coffee in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons players recently got the opportunity to enjoy food and drinks in the game with the addition of The Roost. Naturally, players enjoy the time they spend hanging out with Brewster at the coffee shop and enjoy drinking the coffee he makes.

However, one of the most common questions asked is whether there is a limit to the amount of coffee players can drink in the game.

Fortunately, there are no restrictions on the amount of coffee players can drink in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. However, Brewster does warn players about the consequences of drinking too much coffee in the game.

Several players have tried drinking too much coffee in the game despite Brewster's warnings. So far, nobody has reported any actual consequences to this activity, rendering the pigeon's warnings pointless. Unlike in real life, players do not get jittery or face sleeplessness in the game even after drinking 15 cups of coffee.

Apart from enjoying coffee with Brewster or friends at The Roost itself, players can also avail themselves of the option of takeaway coffee and also get coffee beans from Brewster at the coffee shop. They can make requests for additions and alterations to the coffee that Brewster serves, and he will oblige without any complaints.

The Roost was one of the most delightful additions to New Horizons with the 2.0 update, and players have been enjoying it to the fullest so far. Furthermore, they can drink unlimited coffee without any repercussions acts as a cherry on the cake.

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