Apex Legends streamer Mendo banned for cheating

Apex Legends streamer and former pro Lucas ‘Mendo’ Håkansson has been banned from the battle royale game, with one of his accounts punished for “cheating”.

When Apex Legends was still in its infancy, Mendo was widely considered one of the very best in the game, regularly winning tournaments and putting on a show.

While he hasn’t competed much since early 2020, Mendo is still a supremely skilled player, regularly capable of making high-ranked players look like your average Joe.

With the cheating issue running rampant in rival battle royale Warzone, Respawn and EA are obviously staying very hot on the issue, and Mendo has been caught in their line of fire.

The hacking problem is not as notable in Apex as it is in Warzone.

On September 21, Mendo tweeted out a screenshot of an email he received from EA, clearly baffled by the situation.

The email read: “We noticed that your EA account broke EA’s gameplay rules. Because your account was cheating, we’ve permanently blocked your access to Apex Legends’ online features.”

In his tweet, Mendo said: “One of my @PlayApex accounts got banned for cheating! Awesome! I’m so glad they’re keeping the servers safe.”

One of my @PlayApex accounts got banned for cheating!


I'm so glad they're keeping the servers safe 😇

🙄 pic.twitter.com/gjBsQSvGHX

— Liquid Mendo (@Mendo) September 22, 2021

It’s unclear what exactly led to EA banning Mendo for cheating. Of course, it’s possible he actually was cheating, but many seem in agreement that this isn’t the case.

Fortunately, as Mendo specifies, this is only on “one of” his accounts, so he’s still able to play and stream the game when he wants to. He’ll be hoping not to face a ban on his main account as a result.
