Anastasia Gilley: Convict boyfriend of missing pregnant Florida teen charged with murder after she's

HEADLAND, ALABAMA: Anastasia Gilley, 19, a pregnant missing teenager from Florida, was discovered dead in Alabama. Gilley's boyfriend and convicted criminal Marquis McCloud is reportedly charged with her kidnapping and murder.

The body of Gilley, 19, who was four months pregnant, was discovered by detectives early on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, near Headland, Alabama, according to . Officials stated that the cause of Gilley's death is being investigated through an autopsy and that more information would be revealed in the upcoming days. Detectives were fixated on McCloud, 33, after learning that he communicated with Gilley before she went missing. Police did not specify if McCloud was the baby's likely father because the nature of their relationship is unclear.


'This is heartbreaking seeing this all unfold'

In a Facebook post, Gilley's sister said that a neighbor had overheard her crying around 10.30 pm on Wednesday, May 3. Gilley's sister also claimed that she forgot to show up for work and skipped a doctor's appointment. Police later discovered her phone, handbag, and other possessions inside her home, which heightened suspicions of criminal activity.

Gilley's sister posted a message on Facebook when her body was found, requesting people not to call her and ask a ton of questions as she was unable to respond at the moment. "Please pray for all of Anastasia's friends & family," she wrote.

On Facebook, a lot of individuals expressed their sympathies to the family, with one person writing, "I am so sorry for this news and Prayers for everyone involved family and friends." Another person wrote, "I’m so sorry love. If you need anything you know where we are. We are here for you no matter what."

A third person wrote, "This is heartbreaking seeing this all unfold. Praying for her and your family." One person wrote, "Just sending you and your family all the prayers for comfort I can. I am so sorry this has happened. Your beautiful sister did not deserve to be treated this way."

What are the charges against Marquis McCloud?

Police accused McCloud of killing the expecting mother after taking her hostage. McCloud has a lengthy criminal history, which includes a rape conviction. Police said McCloud had previously spent a number of days in custody but behaved uncooperatively throughout the frantic search for Gilley.

The Alabama man was being held for violating his probation when Gilley's body was found, rather than being prosecuted with the new felonies. Besides the rape cases, McCloud has a criminal record that also includes robbery, violence, terrorism threats, and breaking sex offender regulations.

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