Shirley Wilson, an Iowa grandmother, was found stabbed to death in her Des Moines home more than two decades ago in March 2002. The bloody crime scene, discovered by one of her sons, showed no signs of a break-in, suggesting that the killing was likely the work of someone close to the victim who had access to the house.
The 68-year-old postal worker resided in the house with her teen grandson Travis Milligan. His whereabouts were unknown until he showed up at the house later that day, claiming that he had no idea about the murder. However, a subsequent investigation proved otherwise, leading to his conviction in the months that followed.
An upcoming episode of ID's Murder in My House will further shed light on Shirley Wilson's stabbing death. The episode titled The Killer Had a Key is slated to air on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 9:00 pm ET.
The synopsis states:
"Winter in Iowa gets an extra chill when a grandmother of 12 is found stabbed to death in her home; with no forced entry, detectives believe she knew her assailant, leaving the family wondering who has betrayed them in cold blood."Murder weapon used to kill Shirley Wilson, her grandson's involvement in her death, and more details about the case
1) Wilson was stabbed multiple times with a steak knife
Shirley Wilson, a postal worker and grandmother, was found stabbed to death at her Des Moines, Iowa, residence where she resided with her grandson. The crime scene was first discovered by one of her sons on March 2, 2002, who then called 911. Authorities reported that she had been stabbed 67 times with a steak knife from her kitchen. Pieces of the same knife were found next to her body.
The victim also sustained defensive wounds to her hand and head, but the fatal ones to her chest killed her. Authorities claimed that she was killed the previous night.
2) The crime scene showed signs of a struggle
The crime scene was in complete disarray, indicating that a struggle had taken place between Shirley Wilson and her attacker before the latter fatally stabbed her multiple times. However, there were no signs of a break-in which led officers to believe that the crime was an inside job and that someone who had access to the house was likely involved. A botched burglary theory was also ruled out.
3) Shirley Wilson's grandson was considered the primary suspect
When officers canvassed Wilson's house, they learned that she lived with her 19-year-old grandson, Travis Milligan. His whereabouts were unknown at the time until he returned the same day the body was found. He returned to the house sometime around 10:00 pm on March 2 and found investigators examining the scene. He was then taken to the police station.
4) Travis Milligan claimed that he stayed at a friend's house on the night of the crime
When questioned about his whereabouts on the night of the murder, Travis Milligan, who was 19 at the time, told law enforcement officials that he went to a strip club with a few friends and then returned to his grandmother Shirley Wilson's residence after midnight. He asserted that he stayed at the house for about 15 to 20 minutes, smoked a few cigarettes, and then walked to a nearby convenience store.
Milligan then told the police that he was picked up by a friend from the store after which they headed over to the friend's house, where he stayed the night.
5) Phone records and blood evidence was used to implicate Milligan in the killing
Authorities reviewed security footage from the strip club, which showed Travis Milligan, the main suspect in Shirley Wilson's murder, leaving after midnight at 12:39 am.
However, phone records revealed that he called his friend at around 2:17 am from the convenience store. This suggested that he may have stayed at the victim's home for longer than he had initially claimed. Authorities also found blood evidence on his knee that matched Wilson's. He was then charged with first-degree murder.
At Milligan's trial, prosecutors alleged that he killed Wilson after an argument over money and drinking.
Learn more details about Shirley Wilson's death on ID's Murder in My House on April 4, 2023, at 9:00 pm ET.
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