Earl Exum Obituary News; President Of Pratt And Whitney And Husband Of Tammy Exum Dies

The news of Earl Exum’s passing was conveyed by John Stellon on the Pratt & Whitney Cheshire Crew Facebook page, where colleagues and friends shared their condolences and memories. Mr. Stellon’s words reflected the sentiment of many: “Team, I have more sad news as I just received a phone call on Earl Exum’s passing. Younger than I, when I transferred to EH and crossed paths, always a smile, greeting, and shaking of hands. A classic gentleman, prayers for him and family.”

In West Hartford, Connecticut, Earl Exum, the admired boss who oversaw Pratt & Whitney and left a lasting effect on the aviation industry, passed away. On Monday, October 2, 2023, Mr. Exum, a well-known leader who was famous for his passion and dedication, passed away. Beyond his professional accomplishments, those who had the distinction of getting to know him say that his legacy has changed their lives.

Earl Exum held a number of important positions inside Pratt & Whitney before accepting the job of President at International Aero Engines AG, solidifying his image as a seasoned aviation executive. He held the position of Vice President of Maintenance Services & Aftermarket Sales from 2020 to 2021, when he was instrumental in assuring the dependability and security of aircraft engines. His leadership approach made it clear that he was committed to quality and client happiness.
