Real Steel 2 : Is It Happening? We Finally Have An Answer And Its An Exciting One

There is yet a chance for Real Steel 2. Real Steel, the Shawn Levy-directed boxing robot drama starring Hugh Jackman, will celebrate its tenth anniversary this October. Despite receiving mixed reviews, the film was a success at the box office, albeit perhaps not to the extent that Disney had hoped. A sequel was never produced, perhaps because it didn’t live up to expectations, and society seemed to have moved on.

Real Steel, which was uploaded on Netflix during the pandemic last year, gained fresh viewers over ten years later. Perhaps the movie was a little bit ahead of its time because it continues to be widely watched on streaming services. Levy recognised there might be more potential when Real Steel cracked the list of the 10 most watched Netflix shows. Levy says he has subsequently spoken to Jackman about maybe doing Real Steel 2 in a recent interview with Inverse.

#FreeGuy director @ShawnLevyDirect reveals to Inverse that he’s had talks with @RealHughJackman about a potential Real Steel 2.

— Inverse (@inversedotcom) August 5, 2021

“Recently, it has been on my mind and in many conversations. Perhaps as a result of the fact that it quickly rose to the top of their most popular and trending titles list when Netflix began streaming it during the lockdown. Which prompted Hugh and I to discuss “What is this love for Real Steel?” once more. It’s almost like realising, “Wait, we love it that much too.” We have always cherished it in that way. Despite the fact that it seems like the w indow of opportunity has closed, it’s one of those situations in which you should “never say never.” It appears that the audience and the love from the fans are still present. Who knows, then?”

Shawn Levy is the director of Real Steel. The script was written by John Gatins based on a Dan Gilroy and Jeremy Leven story. The film also starred Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Lilly, Anthony Mackie, and Kevin Durand in addition to Hugh Jackman. In a futuristic future where robots fight alongside humans, Jackman portrays a retired fighter who thinks he’s discovered the next great fighter in a broken-down machine.

Vin Diesel will appear in a Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Robots movie, it was revealed back in April. As a result, Real Steel fans started asking for Real Steel 2, further demonstrating how famous the film has become when it first came out. The time appears ideal for a Real Steel sequel if the fans demand it and the original director and star are both interested, but Disney must also notice the trend in order to make a choice.

For the time being, viewers can anticipate the upcoming release of Levy’s next film, Free Guy, which stars Ryan Reynolds as a supporting figure with the potential to take the lead in a virtual reality setting. According to reports, Jackman will make a brief cameo appearance in the film. To see more of Jackman, check out Reminiscence, a brand-new sci-fi film from Lisa Joy, which he is starring in this month. Free Guy will be available on August 13 while Reminiscence will debut on HBO Max and in theatres on August 20.

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