Most Hated Actors/Actresses From Old Hollywood?

John Wayne? Joan Crawford?

I’m just throwing names out there, I have no idea for real...I know that a lot of people disliked John for his right wing politics.

Who else was hated from that era?

by Anonymousreply 19March 13, 2020 2:24 AM

Little Margaret O'Brien once shot a stagehand just to watch him die!

by Anonymousreply 3March 12, 2020 12:36 AM

Spencer Tracey, that was easy.

by Anonymousreply 4March 12, 2020 12:40 AM

Why Spencer? Was it the boozing?

by Anonymousreply 6March 12, 2020 12:42 AM

Was Bing Crosby liked? I heard that Glenn Ford was a cheap skate.

by Anonymousreply 7March 12, 2020 12:43 AM

Errol Flynn. Lots of people (women in particular) flat-out refused to work with him

by Anonymousreply 8March 12, 2020 12:43 AM

Miriam Hopkins and Tallulah Bankhead were "difficult". Norma Shearer was more resented than hated because of her marriage which offered her opportunities beyond her abilities.

by Anonymousreply 9March 12, 2020 1:08 AM

Loretta Young--for her hypocritical prudery. ( Lookat Judy Lewis--no question her father was Clark Gable)

by Anonymousreply 10March 12, 2020 3:08 AM

Bette Davis was known for being very difficult at times - not unprofessional - but difficult, and plowed over the other actors and directors if she had the chance.

by Anonymousreply 11March 12, 2020 4:14 AM

The winner hands down has to be...

Carl ALFALFA Switzer!

by Anonymousreply 12March 12, 2020 4:47 AM

Yul Brynner, pompous, unbridled ego

by Anonymousreply 13March 12, 2020 5:01 AM

John Wayne and Joan Crawford were not hated in Old Hollywood, they were widely respected for their hard work and the money they brought into the studios. They were easy to work with for the most part, although Crawford feuded with female co-stars on occasion, usually for publicity.

by Anonymousreply 16March 12, 2020 12:42 PM

Mr Mayor, not a star, but a studio head was apparently a very nasty man to his Stars.

by Anonymousreply 17March 12, 2020 12:47 PM

^^ You mean Mayer, as in Louis B.

He was hated by some, tolerated by others, and feared by all who had to cross his path. But most studio heads were just as bad. Harry Cohn of Columbia was vile, crude and forced actresses to submit to his small penis (so it was said). Same goes with Darryl Zanuck at Fox and Jack Warner at Warner Bros. These men had absolute power over their little fiefdoms.

by Anonymousreply 18March 12, 2020 1:12 PM

Sir Alec Guinness on Sir Laurence Olivier:

"Like so many people whose ambition drives them to great eminence, he had a cruel and destructive streak. Consciously or not he made attempts to destroy John Gielgud, [Michael] Redgrave, [Paul] Scofield and, if he had been given the chance, me. He was exceptionally cruel to Lewis Casson, when Lewis was an old actor at Chichester."

by Anonymousreply 19March 13, 2020 2:24 AM
