Who is Olivia Song? Drake Illuminati drama explored as make up artist labels him a "psychopath"

Olivia Song, a renowned makeup artist and popular social media influencer, recently became the talk of the town after she posted a video in which she claimed that Drake was coming after her as she had allegedly exposed him as a part of the Illuminati.

Song's latest video, where she has deemed Drake a "certified narcissist, sociopathic, murderous, homos*xual psychopath," seems to be in response to a user's comment on one of her previous posts. The comment read:

“Drake is lowkey freaking out. They telling on themselves. His subliminals on his story’s the last few days have been directed to her. It’s wild.”

This follows hot on the heels of Olivia Song previously calling out Drake on social media. She said that she “exposed” him by revealing that he promotes a gambling company, Stake.

Some of Song's recent social media posts (Image via @GotDaScoop/Twitter)

More details about Olivia Song as influencer takes to social media to call Drake “the worst man on the planet”

Born in September 1994, Olivia Song is an entrepreneur and a social media star who has a large fan following on platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Following a brief modeling stint, she eventually decided to become a makeup artist and gained a lot of popularity for her well-known clientele which includes RHOA star Porsha Williams, rapper Asian Da Brat, and more.

As per Forbes, she launched her own cosmetic line, Supernatural Cosmeticsi, during the pandemic, and is now a popular face in the beauty industry as she often posts her own vlogs.

While much is not known about her personal life, the 30-year-old often shows her son in her videos.

What exactly did Olivia say?

While Olivia is a well-known face, she has often made her way into the news by hurling various accusations at Drake. This time, however, she has claimed that the rapper is after her since she exposed him as being a member of the Illuminati.

In her video, she called the rapper several names, saying:

“I’m not dealing with a Certified Lover Boy. I’m dealing with a certified narcissist, sociopathic, murderous, homos*xual psychopath. I gotta go back to the drawing board on this, because I didn’t know he was capable of this.”

She continued:

“Be careful what you wish for. Remember before all of this, if you followed me, I was like, ‘I wanna play games with the worst kind of men.’ Because I thought I was a sick enough b***h. Right now, I am in the middle of a game with the worst man. The worst man on the planet. Be careful what you wish for.”

Social media reacts to react to Olivia calling Drake "murderous"

Olivia Song’s strange claims have left many startled. Social media opinion on the matter, however, seems to be divided.

While many asked Song to get help, there were also a bunch of people who seemed to agree with her:

Despite the entire drama that has surfaced on social media, neither Drake nor any of his representatives have not addressed Olivia’s claims or given a statement about the whole controversy.

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