Perhaps the most intriguing contestant to be featured in season 1 of ‘Surviving Paradise,’ Tabitha Sloane has left an undeniable mark on all those who took part in the survival series. Even the viewers at home had a hard time not following the performance of the participant as they did all they could in order to achieve victory, though it was, unfortunately, not enough in the end. That said, they did become quite successful in creating a fanbase that is always eager to get the latest updates on what Tabitha is up to, and here is what we know about the same.
Tabitha Sloane’s Surviving Paradise Journey
As soon as Tabitha Sloane entered the Netflix show, they were eager to form advantageous connections. They capitalized on the fact that they had come to the island on the same boat as Aaron Blake and Justin Assada in order to form the alliance known as TAJ. After all the participants were asked to stay in the camp at the very start of the game, Tabitha was quick to form connections and even quicker to claim that they knew just how to win the game. As such, they were genuinely shocked when it was not them but Lellies Santiago who got the chance to go to the villa first.
Frustrated by everything that had happened, Tabitha continued to form more connections with people like Sarah Kate Reynolds and Copan Combs. This allowed them to enter the villa during the second voting, though they could not get any of their alliance members in the villa. Not letting the situation deter them, the nonbinary contestant realized that they could take advantage of the cracks that had started to form in the friendship between Lellies and Linda Okoli.
Adamant about not wanting Lellies in the villa, Tabitha decided to welcome the challenge that one of the Insiders could go to the camp and give them toothbrushes and toothpaste, though that would mean them forfeiting their place in the luxurious house. Tabitha claimed that they would go to the camp, but they did not think they had enough connections there, stating that the person with the most connections there was actually Lellies. Far from happy about this, Lellies and Tabitha got into an argument that ultimately led to the former going to the camp.
However, nothing stopped Lellies from sharing what Tabitha had said, which hurt people like Aaron and Justin, though they continued to trust the strength of TAJ. That said, the other two members of the alliance were already unhappy that Tabitha had chosen to vote for Copan during the last round of voting. Not long after, Lellies, along with two other camp members, was back in the villa after a survival challenge was completed by Shea, much to Tabitha’s frustration.
As the next major reshuffle was announced, Tabitha chose Copan as their partner for the task, with the latter ultimately picking the “Go To Camp” box. This upset Aaron and Justin, who felt like Tabitha should have chosen one of them, though the two did end up going to the villa while Tabitha became an Outsider. As Aaron and Justin spent more time with others and learned about their impressions of Tabitha, they could not help but wonder if they had been wrong to put their faith in the third member of TAJ.
Meanwhile, at the camp, Tabitha tried to gain more alliances, even trying to talk with Lellies. However, the strategy backfired as the others did not trust them and were far from happy that they were so willing to put other Taylor Olympios on the chopping block. The most surprising of their comments was perhaps how they would be willing to let go of Justin, a development that Justin and others soon became aware of in the villa, shattering the last foundations that the TAJ alliance was clinging to in order to stay strong.
Hence, when the time came for the Insiders to choose two Outsiders to compete in a deathmatch-type challenge to either earn a place in the villa or be eliminated, they decided to pit Tabitha and Gabriel “Gabe” Dannenbring. The latter won the race part of the challenge and had to choose a box that would determine their fate unless Tabitha decided to switch boxes with them. Not trusting Gabe to be truthful, Tabitha had indeed decided to switch, which ultimately led to their elimination.
Where is Tabitha Sloane Now?
Preferring to use they/them pronouns, Tabitha Sloane is a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community. Based primarily in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, they work as a model in the Midwest region of the US. Additionally, they are the Founder of Out + About, a venture based in Indianapolis, Indiana, that is dedicated to helping local businesses and the LGBTQ+ community. They have been associated with the company since February 2022 and are quite proud of everything that they have been able to achieve.
Tabitha is also a Volunteer Outreach and Engagement Coordinator for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, having taken up the position in February 2023. Moreover, they have an online clothing line on Etsy affiliated with Out + About called QueersAndPeers. As for their personal life, Tabitha is in a loving relationship with Kyra Beck and the couple celebrated their first pride together in June 2023.