Rescue the Illithid's Captive, Baldur's Gate 3 Quest

Rescue the Illithid's Captive, Baldur's Gate 3 Quest Guides 4 Gamers Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.
  • Guides for Gamers
  • Baldur's Gate 3 Game Guide
  • Quests
  • Rescue the Illithid's Captive
  • Group: Main Quest

    "Rescue the Illithid's Captive" is one of the main quests available in Baldur's Gate 3. You can carry it out while aboard the Nautiloid. To start it talk to Shadowheart who is trapped in the pod.

    Related points of interest

    Icon of Shadowheart Shadowheart Nautiloid

    Icon of Eldritch Rune Eldritch Rune Nautiloid

    Quest stages of Rescue the Illithid's Captive

    1. Find a way to release the captive.

    We encountered a survivor, trapped inside one of the pods aboard the nautiloid. Perhaps we can find a way to free her.

    Retrieve the Eldritch Rune that you can find in the corpse that is located at the end of the next room.

    We found an Eldritch Rune. It may help us to rescue the captive half-elf.

    Find a way to release the captive.

    2. Talk to the half-elf.

    1. Once you have the Eldritch Rune return to the pod in which Shadowheart is trapped and insert the rune into the console located on its right side. If you successfully pass the dice roll check then Shadowheart will get out of the capsule and you will be able to talk to her.

    We opened the pod using an Eldritch Rune, and freed the captive. We should speak to her.

    2. A sufficiently strong character, such as the Barbarian, can rip off the pod's lid (dice roll check).

    We forced the pod open using our brute strength, freeing the captive. We should speak to her.

    Talk to the half-elf.

    3. Quest Completed!

    1. If during a conversation with Shadowheart you offer her to join your team.

    We learned that the survivor aboard the nautiloid is called Shadowheart. She joined us.

    2 . If, while talking to Shadowheart, you decide not to have her join you.

    We learned that the survivor aboard the nautiloid is called Shadowheart. We decided to go our separate ways.

    3. If you set Shadowheart free but don't talk to her.

    We freed the captive aboard the nautiloid from her pod, but left her behind.

    4. If you start this quest but fail to free Shadowheart before you leave the ship.

    We left the captive inside the pod, and escaped the nautiloid without her.

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