Mikayla McCarvel Dies In a Traffic Collision Car Accident

Mikayla McCarvel, a high school hockey player from Shakopee, has died in a traffic collision car accident. She was involved in the accident on December 26th last year and died from her injuries on January 16. The Shakopee community is mourning her loss, as she was involved in a crash at the intersection of County Road 21 and Tintaocanku just after 8 p.m. on December 26th. The Minnesota State Patrol is still reconstructing the crash.

McCarvel’s father posted on her CaringBridge page that his daughter died on January 16th. The Shakopee Public Schools expressed their sadness and support for the school community during this difficult time. The family will remember Mikayla as someone with “endless adventure,” as she was never shy away from trying new things for fear of failure or embarrassment.

Today our hockey community suffered a great loss. Mikayla McCarvel of the Shakopee High School Girls Hockey has passed away from injuries sustained in an auto accident. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Shakopee community during this difficult time.

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McCarvel played hockey at Shakopee High School, was a member of the girl’s soccer team, participated in band, and was involved in 4-H Arts In. The McCarvel family will remember her as someone with “endless adventure,” and they encourage others to try something new and find that new adventure.

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